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tv   Fox Morning News  FOX  August 24, 2012 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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music scene and they're going to sing for us, too. see you in a second, girls. time to talk about the weather situation with tucker barnes. >> he's in the weather center now. good morning. >> good morning, everybody. cloudy start to your day. temperatures in the comfortable department, upper 60s, low 70s. should be a decent friday afternoon. nice and dry with highs in the upper 80s. the weekend, things will change a little bit. 74 now in washington. humidity 79%. winds shifting out of the east at 5 to 10. currently not much wind at all. cloud cover you can see streaming in from the south. area storminess across the carolinas that will be a player in our week forecast. today will bring us cloud cover as high pressure should keep us dry. filtered sunshine, kind of a partly sunny afternoon. still on the warm side with highs expected in the mid- to upper 80s. here's your forecast for today. temperatures upper 80s, about 88 in washington, with partly
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sunny conditions. 89 fredericksburg. more details on the forecast in a couple of minutes. allison, wisdom, back to you. >> tucker, before you go, can you give us an update on tropical storm isaac? >> i'll be glad to. let's take a look at isaac. winds 50 miles per hour as we go to vipir, looking a little more impressive this morning. it is forecast to strengthen here and bring heavy rain to parts of the dominican republic, including haiti. 8to 12 inches of rain and cuba over the next 24 to 48 hours. then gets into the gulf of mexico where likely will develop into a hurricane. landfall in the united states middle of next week. two children are the victims of a house fire in winchester, virginia. we are told a 4-year-old and 6-
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year-old were killed. the fire broke out after 9:30 last night on summit avenue. firefighters used a ladder to save someone from the second floor. no word on a cause. police and the fbi are on the scene of an attempted bank robbery in georgetown. it happened overnight. police say the suspect appeared to get in through the roof. it's the second attempted bank robbery in d.c. in a week that appeared to have a similar m.o. sherri ly is live with the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. you can see this is still a very active crime scene here. police and the fbi have been here all morning long. they still have this entire block here of wisconsin avenue in front of the m&t bank closed off. you can see the door open right there, and the reason that's important is just last week a
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burglar broke into a bank through a vacant building next door. that's one of the similarities in these two attempted robberies. police say someone broke into the bank on wisconsin avenue near o street after 3:00 this morning. the security alarm went off, alerting the security company, who we're told could see the suspect by video camera breaking in. apparently came in through the ceiling and into the atm room. police have been searching an abandoned building next door to the bank. the suspect was described as wearing a white construction style clothing. the attempted robbery appeared similar to one at a bank of america in woodly park on august 17th. the fbi released surveillance footage of a suspect wearing a white jumpsuit in that one, which appears similar to this description of the georgetown break-in. investigators say the suspect got into the bank by cutting through the wall of an old deli next door that had been closed. last year the same bank was
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broken into the same way. in both cases the suspect did not appear to get away with cash. at this point investigators are not saying whether there is a link between that woodly park attempted robbery and this attempted robbery. but clearly, there are some similarities. in this case, the suspect got away also empty handed. that's the latest here in georgetown. back to you, allison. >> sherri ly live for us in northwest. thank you. overnight in the district a mother and her two children went to the hospital, hurt in an apartment fire in southeast. several people had to be rescued by ladder from the three story building. this happened in the 1300 block of alabama avenue around 4:45 this morning. the injuries of the mother and her children are not said to be serious. checking other top stories, family and friend are getting ready to say their goodbyes to the victims killed after a train derailment early tuesday
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morning. crowds gathered last night in ellicott city for elizabeth nass' visitation. she'll be laid to rest today. rose mayr's funeral service will be held tomorrow. the 19-year-old girls were sitting on a bridge near the tracks when the train derailed. howard county police say autopsies show that both girls died after being crushed by coal from the toppled cars. the ntsb is trying to figure out what triggered the emergency brakes on the train to deploy. prince george's county, searching for the killer of a 17-year-old honor student named amber stanley. she was killed in her bedroom. police went door to door handing attainers in the -- flyers in the area. they are offering $20,000 reward for information leading to an arrest. friends say she was a hard working, nice young lady. >> a quiet girl. she was focused on just her
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school, focused on doing the right thing. >> you have to thank god every day. a day is not promised. >> the school says she was a rising senior in springdale of the she was enrolled in an elite science and technology program there. a maryland lawmaker admits he was drinking while operating a 26-foot speed boat that crashed into another boat in pasadena wednesday night. he had been told his blood alcohol content was more than twice the legal limit. he and several others, including children were hurt in the collision. investigators are still trying to determine the cause of the crash. by the way, it is illegal to drive drunk on maryland water ways. calling it quits, lance armstrong is dropping his fight against doping allegations. sarah simmons is back to talk more about that. sarah, this was unexpected. we didn't think lance was going
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to bail out and not even fight it. >> apparently there are others who are going to fight it perhaps. this morning the international cycling agency is demanding the u.s. anti-doping agency explain why he should lose his title. take a listen. [ speaking foreign language ] >> okay. clearly we are having some issue there with the story. but here's what we know so far. the usada is imposing a lifetime ban from any sport which recognizing the world anti-doping code and under this decision, armstrong may lose the bronze medal from the 2000 olympics as well as any awards, event titles and cash earnings. that's a lot of money we're talking about here, cash earnings. that's a lot. armstrong says the allegations against him have taken a toll on his family, too. his decision came hours before the deadline to enter
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arbitration. a lot of fallout from this. apparently the international cycling agency is kind of like, wait, hold on a second, i don't know about the titles. why does he need to be stripped of those? >> it is fascinating, because he had all the fame and fortune because of this. if they wipe it out, i wonder what happens. you say he'll probably lose the money. he's still kind of a famous guy. >> right. they have to find that balance. they want to do something and discipline in some way, if this is the way it's going to go. but at the same time, how far do you go down? >> thank you very much. that story is still developing, of course. we'll give you updates as they come along. making headlines this morning, the norwegian man who set off a deadly explosion learns his fate. a five judge panel determined he is sane and sentenced him to serve at least 10 years in prison for killing 77 people in the attack last year. i did say 10 years.
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while that sentence seems light, the law allows the sentence to be extended if an inmate is considered dangerous. prosecutors are trying to determine the judge presiding over the case of james holmes, the alleged colorado movie theater shooter, to release his educring a hearing yesterday, attorneys said the former colorado university grad student failed a key exam six weeks before the deadly shooting spree. claimed he then made threats against the school and was banned. prosecutors argue the documents would establish motive. the defense team doesn't want them released. the judge is expected to make a decision by the next hearing scheduled august 30th. a disturbing story out of illinois. a teenaged girl held captive as a sex slave for two years. she's now 17 and escaped from her captors yesterday. she ran to police, saying she was raped almost every day. she got pregnant and had a
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child. a swat team arrested a 24-year- old man. the girl was reported missing in april of 2010 and police thought she was missing or a run-away even. wisdom? a warning from maryland health officials. thousands of fans who attended a ravens' game may have been exposed to rabies. the department of health says a bat landed on someone in the 500 section of the game last friday at m&t bank stadium in baltimore. authorities are asking anyone who may have come into contact with that bat to give them a call. after last week's preseason loss, the ravens redeemed themselves last night, hosting the jaguars. take a 10-nothing lead in the second quarter. flacco throws for 266 yards. ravens win 48-17.
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>> what? >> yes. a beat down of epic proportions. tomorrow is the battle of the rookie quarterbacks, rg3 versus andrew luck. game time is 4:00 at fed ex field. >> my imagine bet and money go to rg3. >> i'm going to go with you on that. we're going to see what happens. it is preseason. >> exciting. >> it is exciting. many children forget about books during the summer. you know they are focusing on having fun and not thinking about school. >> they're being kids. how do you go your kids back into the swing of things at the start of the new school year? coming up, an education consultant is in studio with tips. time now is 9:11. let's not go back. >> don't want to go back, allison. >> it's 9:11. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] we've made verizon fios
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head north, to someplace pristine like acadia national park. there is nothing like the parks this time of year. the falling leaves, the crisp air, the perfect inspiration for air wick's fall collection. yeah, when i smell all those things, i know fall is in the air. the fall collection brought to you by air wick and the national park foundation. something in the air wick. but nothing is free. obama is raiding $716 billion from medicare, changing the program forever. taxing wheelchairs and pacemakers. raising taxes on families making less than one hundred twenty thousand dollars. free healthcare comes at a very high price. the romney-ryan plan will restore medicare funding and protect and strengthen the program for the next generation. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approve this message.
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we want to say good morning to five-year-old five-year-old kendall. it's her first day of kindergarten. you can go to to send in your pictures. is your child ready for the new school year? it's so easy for kids to spend the entire summer forgetting about everything they've learned in school and the transition can be stressful. we have some ways to get them back into the groove and learning mood after summer fun. joining us now with more information is consultant rick kamal. last time you had things to
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help us with the summer slide. today we're going to talk about strategy. strategy for taking tests. >> absolutely. we've been working with 33 leading education experts. one thing we found is we've developed award winning strategies and systems is when kids learn effective study techniques can boost their grades. you learn 20 techniques within 90 days your grades can go up a whole grade level, believe it or not. >> rick, i'm all ears. i have three kids at home, so i'm ready. show me what to do to make the grades go up. >> first thing, kids don't have a planner. get a planner, put every major event in it. major exams, assignments and plan backwards. write all the steps you need to do to get to that test, and follow that plan. that will get you prepared and will decrease your stress. >> okay. i see this right here. tell me about this. i think this is interesting. >> this is just a squeeze ball.
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a lot of kids learn by moving, touching, feeling. if you're reading a book or studying, add a little motion. use a squeeze ball. play with a paper clip. even, believe it or not, chew gum. >> gum? >> yeah. if it has a lot of flavor and long lasting, it keeps you more alert while you're studying. >> okay. we also have a timer over here. tell me about the timer. >> one big issue is fatigue when studying. don't want to lose focus. set a timer every 25 minutes, take a five-minute break. don't watch tv or read a magazine. take a walk, stretch, whatever. it will keep you focused in the long-term. >> and this? >> this is a parking lot. when you're studying sometimes you get distracted, oh, i got to do this or that. write down items that come into your mind as you're studying, so they don't distract you. leave it aside and get back to
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it when you're done studying. >> and i see we have something to eat over here as well. >> that's right. really important, whether going into a test or studying, having good snacks. stay away from sugar, but high protein snacks like nuts, which have good fat, as well as a lot of good protein, are good for your brain and keep you going and focused. >> you want to eat these as you're doing your work and studying? >> absolutely. or right before a test. keeps you going so you don't crash. >> okay. anything else at all that we need to know about as parents when we're trying to get our students, our children, more focused, back into the rhythm as we head back to school? >> absolutely. one thing is, kids get a lot of stress. we need to learn as parents to be their coaches rather than adversaries. let's say they're on the second question and they freeze, take
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your finger and palm and draw a circle seven times. >> what does that do? >> it releases the tension, gets you focused back on what you should be rather than the panic. and you're able to get back into the test game and do well on your test. >> rick, thank you very much. helpful information. i see you have a book. i know we're almost out of time. tell me, that's a regular book? >> actually it's a book full of techniques on how to actually study. >> hold this up a little bit. i'm knocking stuff over as we're running out of time. >> people can find that on, our web site, to learn the techniques. >> rick, thank you very much. we all want the grades to come up. >> absolutely. >> want to not be paying for college, right, allison? >> back over to you. >> second that motion. rick, thanks. the unconventional way one couple arrived to their wedding. that's next. plus, run away car, find out how she was able to escape
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safely next. first, let's check back in with holly. >> reporter: from out of the ground to into our mouths. we are having fun with potatoes, as we are live in bluemont, virginia, where they are gearing up for the big dig. make them jealous? let's do it. we'll give you a taste later live on fox 5 morning news. stay with us.   
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that's the question, did you see it? terrifying moments caught on police dash cam. a driver unable slow down. turns out her accelerator was stuck. troopers followed her in her suv as it reached speeds up to 110 miles per hour. they waved in and out traffic for more than 60 miles from missouri, into iowa. the woman was able to slow down enough to pull over, and a
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trooper got in and put the suv safely in park. thank goodness. yes. emotions are usually running high on your wedding day. but take a look at this. one couple in california took their love to a new level. arriving at their ceremony by water powered jet packs. the groom wore a wet suit with a bow tie and the bride wore a guard vest and white board shorts in a veil. after the ceremony they flew above the water. they had their first dance in the air, hovering over the ocean. >> i want to know what waterproof mascara the bride is wearing. that's all i got to know. she looked gorgeous. >> do you wear make-up when you're doing all of that? >> i don't know. this is the latest in the call me maybe video. made a couple of rounds now. shows troops in afghanistan having fun with the summer hit. it was posted on youtube a few days ago. it's been viewed more than
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100,000 times. dozens of comments, thanking the soldiers for their service. good to see them take a moment and relax and have a little bit of fun. look at hymn doing the moon walk. >> what is that? >> i forget what that's called. >> everybody is making the videos off of this song. >> harvard baseball team now. >> we should do a video. >> it's over now. i would never say that to the service men and women. >> we don't need to do that? >> let's not. let's do a new song. thank you for your service. no, it's over. new poll numbers out this morning. who is being polled? the answer is coming up in today's very presidential ask allison segment. very serious. >> no dancing? >> not to that song. how about to the omg girlz? >> all right. there they are there on the screen. they got approval recently from
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lady ga gaga. they are performing coming up at 9:45, so stick around for that. we'll be right back.
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i'm barack obama and i approve this message now mitt romney's attacking the president on medicare? the nonpartisan a-a-r-p says obamacare "cracks down on medicare fraud, waste, and abuse and strengthens guaranteed benefits." and the ryan plan? a-a-r-p says it would undermine medicare and could lead to higher costs for seniors... and experts say ryan's voucher plan could raise future retirees costs more than six thousand dollars. get the facts.
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we are back now with breaking news out of new york city, where we are getting reports several people have been shot outside of the empire state building. these are live helicopter pictures over that scene now. our sister station in new york city says three people were hit and a person is in custody. we don't know whether the shooting was random or the victims were targeted. we'll stay on top of this story and bring updates as soon as we get them. hate to report on that story. let's change gears and talk to tucker barnes about our forecast this weekend. >> all right. changing gears, yesterday we talked about sunshine this weekend, now looks like more
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cloudiness. not a rainout, but not quite the summery view we were hoping for. >> that we were hoping for. >> that's all you can do in weather. >> grin and bear it. >> as far as conditions today, we'll be just fine. warm this afternoon. we have clouds to start your morning, with temperatures now in the 70s. 76degrees in washington. 79 # in annapolis. hagerstown 69 and 67 martinsburg. mix of sun and clouds to start your day. filtered sunshine, high thin cloudiness working in. what's happening, area of low pressure developing across the carolinas. we saw that yesterday on our computer models, but we thought it was going to slip off to the east and north and stay far enough to our south that it wasn't going to impact us much this weekend. but the trend is to take this
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system further north, into delmarva peninsula, with potential for cloud cover saturday and sunday. not going to rain all weekend, but we could see showers both weekend days. farther southeast, southern maryland, lower eastern shore, lots of clouds this weekend and better chance of shower activity, as this storm system going to be a slow mover. today no problems. high pressure keeps us dry. area of high pressure pushing off to the east and north. as this area of low pressure rides up the coast slowly, our clouds will increase tonight with the risk of showers back in the forecast both saturday and sunday. with the cloud cover, our temperatures will be held down as well with highs only in the low 80s this weekend. today, 88, mix of sun and clouds. we're fine today. dry this afternoon. even later tonight, if you want to dine outdoors, no problems. 70 overnight low.
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here's your five-day forecast. there is your cloud cover and the potential for a few showers saturday and sunday, along with cooler temperatures. temperatures bounce back up by monday with highs in the upper 80s. another cold front comes in tuesday with the chance for thunderstorms by tuesday afternoon. that's a look at the weather forecast. remember i'm just the messenger. back to you. >> tucker, thank you. as reported, the tropical storm isn't expected to have a huge impact on the rnc in tampa. it looks like they may get a bit of wind and rain. even so, gop leaders are not taking any chances. they moved up to monday the roll call vote to officially nominate mitt romney for president. part of the reason is tropical storm isaac, but also convention organizers are worried that ron paul supporters might throw a wrench into the potential process. the republicans go into the convention with a new campaign, a fox news poll shows a very tight race, basically a tie,
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with mitt romney having a one point advantage over president obama. romney has a fairly strong lead among independent voters. 42% to 32%. even though a majority of those surveyed disapproved of the president's handling of the economy, voters are nearly evenly split on which ticket they trust to improve the economy and create jobs. ♪ tell me something good ♪ it is time for ask allison. today's question has to do with the presidential polls. our viewer mike from d.c. writes, i have always wondered where the presidential polls come from. you know, polls that state the president's approval rating. i have been a registered voter since 18 and i have never been asked to participate in any poll. could you help me understand why i haven't been chosen to voice my opinion? i had to bring in a guest today. i wanted to get the real deal from somebody who is in the business of understanding polls and putting them out there. joining us with more insight is
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rick johnson this morning, rick is a senior vice president, the senior vice president at lake research partners and adjunct professor. thank you for being with us today. >> it's my pleasure. >> is there a chance this gentleman might never ever be asked his opinion in a poll like a presidential approval rating poll? >> allison, i have to say that as somebody who is in the industry and teaches the graduate level, i get asked this question all the time. actually, i get asked two questions, who will win the election, and of course why don't i get called to participate in the poll? >> right. >> my wife has forbidden me from talking about who is going to win. >> can i ask you that? >> it's a long way from the election, but i'm forbidden from talking about it at dinner
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parties. how do we select those people taking part in polls? >> it's interesting. i can't wait to hear the answer myself. >> we have four main ways we collect our data. you can use phones, mail, online, or in person interviewing. and the main way we collect data in the united states is through phones or online. so in terms of phones, the way we get the list of people that we call, and that list is called sample, there's two different ways we get that. the first is, either it's supplied to us from a client, so as an example, if we were doing an employee satisfaction study, a client may give us their list of employees to call. >> okay. >> we also can purchase a voter file, or get a voter file from the secretary of state. so we have those lists that we use. the second way that we can call people is we will generate the phone numbers ourselves. that's called random digit dial. >> so there is a random
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component? >> there can be, yes, depending on the goals of our client, you're right. >> so interesting. what does that mean, the goals of the client and what you're hoping to get to? does that mean that that sample just -- say it's somebody, they wanted to know about dissatisfaction with whatever major department store. is that only to say that you would get, then, a list of shoppers, repeat shoppers, or someone who say like department stores over the discount warehouse type stores? >> great question. it's a great question. and we face that challenge where we want to make sure that the population of the people we're trying to talk to, that that sample represents that population. >> sure. >> we would want something we can get to all of the shoppers, not just the ones who love the store. >> i think some people might say, well, is it fair, who did they talk to? i don't feel that way. and surely other people must not feel that way.
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but it is a fair sampling, because you don't know how anybody is thinking, within that population, right. >> that's right. that's right. people have to realize, if you are a voter in the united states, there are literally hundreds of millions of people that could be called. if we do a national survey, we might be talking to, the survey that you all talked about, about a thousand people that were talked to. only a thousand people got a chance to share their opinion out of hundreds of millions of voters in the united states. the chances that you'll get called are usually pretty slim. >> okay. mike, you might have to wait until election day to make your opinion known. >> that's right. >> that's fair. that's a right we all have, right? >> right. and that's the best way to do it. >> this is rick johnson, you're a great sport. thank you so much for coming in today. >> my pleasure. >> if you have a question for
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me, go to, click on the link to the morning tab to ask allison. thank you very much. if all else fails, prince harry's new photos may have landed them in a new gig. >> plus, can you guess which tv star is channeling her inner lucy? find out next in the buzz bin. going to surprise you. ♪ [ i love lucy theme ]♪ it's time to change ththe way we clean. it's time to free ourselves from the smell and harshness of bleach. and free ourselves from worrying about the ones we love. new lysol power & free has more cleaning power than bleach. how?
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the secret is hydrogen peroxide. it attacks tough stains and kills 99.9% of germs. new lysol power & free. powerful cleaning that's family friendly. another step forward in our mission for health.
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but what choices will women be left with? just like mitt romney, paul ryan would get rid of planned parenthood funding. in congress, ryan voted to ban all federal funding for planned parenthood and allow employers to deny women access to cancer screenings and birth control. and both romney and ryan backed proposals to outlaw abortion even in cases of rape and incest. for women... for president... the choice is ours. i'm barack obama, and i approve this message.
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back on the buzz bin, with a job offer for prince harry. chippendale offered him a job after the photos surfaced this week. a rep said if he likes to take his clothes off in vegas, he should take them off on stage and get paid for it. >> that will happen. a big makeover for a big tv
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star. >> a big old makeover. take a look. recreated look of the late great lucille ball, the hair, eyebrows, all spot on. even the pearl necklace and earrings. who is it? it's sofia vergara. the modern family star was recently named the top earning actress on television. >> with good reason. she's a phenomenal actress. >> is that the entire story? >> that's the entire story. all the guys here love the show. >> good actress? >> yeah. >> and i'll say it, she's gorgeous. >> i haven't noticed. >> you haven't? the big gig this morning, holly learned how to use a tractor. >> harvesting potatoes, that is. she's learning great recipes in time for football season. >> check it out, the omg girlz
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are in town for a show tonight. but they stop by our studios to talk about their latest single and perform for us. it's 9:42. be right back. ♪ this for ck to school. inucing shareverything, only from verizon. a shareable pool of data to power up to 10 different devices. add multiple smartphones to your plan, so everyone in your family can enjoy unlimited talk and text. the first plan of its kind. share everything. get your student a samsung galaxy nexus for $99.99.
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from the first hands-free system, and micro-climate controls powered by twinchill technology, the new ge french door refrigerator puts fresh in a whole new light. come see the new ge french door refrigerator for yourself at bray & scarff. buy now and save up to $500. but hurry this incredible offer ends october 10th. come in today or visit online at but hurry this incredible offer ends october 10th. look at this bed! this nightstand! this wardrobe! what are you doing here? you're in ikea. my dream bedroom is in ikea? yes. what's that bedroom over there?
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that's your husband's dream bedroom. whatever your style, take home your dream bedroom together. ikea. the life improvement store. revision. "actually, this ain't bad"? surprise! "look at this cool corner thingy!" desolation. "it's gone." anticipation "hey! there's more in the fridge." [ male announcer ] muller. the european for yummy.
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want to update you on breaking news out of new york city. a shooting outside the empire state building. the gunman is dead, but there are conflicting reports about the number of victims. the associated press says three or four people were hit. others say there may be as many as seven victims. it's been reported two people died. we don't know if this was random or the victims were targeted. we'll bring you updates as soon as we get them. as autumn approaches, it's a good time to think about how to make the most of the fresh fruits and veggies we've been
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seeing all summer long. >> how can you hang onto the best of this year's harvest, and what is the best way to get these canned goods ready for the fall? holly morris joins us now live from great country farms in bluemont, virginia. good morning, holly. >> reporter: good morning. the answer is mark chang. you have to know someone like him. he is a chef instructor with cookology. they do a lot with great country farms. next weekend they have the big dig. lots of fun planned. mark will talk about how to make fun things with the potatoes and preserve them. >> we'll go with the potato salad. >> reporter: let me check with my tasters. go with the potato salad first? >> all: yes. >> reporter: expectations are high. >> this is asian inspired. kick it up a notch.
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red peppers, asian flavors, sesame sauce and oil and a little bok choy. >> reporter: do you like working with -- obviously i would think you like working with the fresh potatoes other than the ones in the store. >> exactly. fresh potatoes is the key. >> reporter: does it create a different flavor? >> you can taste the more freshness of it. the flavor is more there. >> reporter: there they were. dug out of the ground this morning. here they are now. can we pass the spoons now? >> definitely, go ahead. dig in. >> reporter: you say they're good, but i want to see what they have to say. i'll take my first bite here. that is really good. pass it. family style here on the farm. now, as we're tasting this, let's go to the next one. this looks like a perfect thing for, i don't know, football season. >> yes. what we have is basically a baked potato that is bite sized. everyone loves baked potato, fully loaded, of course, sour
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cream, cheese, bacon bits. here you have the bite sized baked potato. >> reporter: how did you fry these? >> i cut them in slices. butter, salt, put in the oven maybe 10 minutes in 400 degrees and once it's tender and crispy, took them out. >> reporter: who wants to tell me what they thought of the salad? >> it's really good. >> reporter: it was really good. we tried the potato skins here. want to try it? go for it. let's talk about the canning, or preserving the potatoes. >> basically preserving, want to put into a jar, as you can see right there, boiling water on top, salt, and cover it up. that will last you a pretty long time. potatoes will of course over time have green bits. actually bad for you. of course you can cut them off. you want them to last longer. jarring will last longer, so you can use them on the spot. >> reporter: very good.
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thank you so much. cookology will be having a preserving class this sunday. go to our web site, we have a link to theirs. they have lots of wonderful classes there that you might be interested in. now, what did we think of the skins? >> good. >> reporter: you would eat that again? >> all: yes. >> reporter: you are starting school monday. can you tell me something interesting about potatoes before we go? >> that when potatoes see sunlight they turn green, and if they turn green they're poisonous. >> reporter: good point. anybody else? >> when back in england mastiffs used to dig up the potatoes. >> reporter: really? why did the potato cross the road? because he saw a fork ahead. you guys are going to be great in school, i see that. is our web site. we have a link to great country farms, the big dig not this
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weekend, but next. come out, get your hands dirty. they have live music, the store, a play ground. they've got it all. who knew you could have so much fun with potatoes? us, we have fun everywhere we go. back to you in the studio. >> holly, thank you. looking good. the omg girlz are lighting up constitution hall tonight with a show that's expected to be spectacular. they continue to release hot music and even lady gaga put their stamp of approval on the group. they join us live instudio. how are you doing? welcome to d.c. thank you so much, sweetheart. how are you feeling? ready for the show tonight? >> great. >> can you hear yourselves with the screaming fans? >> yeah. we have to speak up a little more. like the screaming and yelling. >> right. as long as they're screaming and yelling, you're doing
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something well. let's introduce everybody. this is miss baby doll. >> hello. >> this is miss star. >> hello. >> and miss beauty to my left here. we can see why the names fall into place. all of you are beautiful and talented and all that. >> like gorgeously beautiful dolls. >> can i adopt you? i know you have moms, so you don't need another one. let's talk about what life is like on tour. you're really young. >> it's been a lot of fun. we have a good time every city we go to, we try to do something fun, educational, because we're still in school. go to the museums or aquariums or something like that. or we do fun stuff like go- carting. we have a good time. >> you can mix it up? >> yeah. >> okay. >> it's a lot of hard work. we still attend school, high school, so we do online and we
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have a tutor back in atlanta. hard work. >> i'm sure. don't you think young people think about it and i know with my own daughters they're singing in the mirror. this is hard work, wouldn't you agree. >> it is, but it's fun, because we love being around each other. >> i love that. we have 30 seconds. the cd will drop this fall. what are we going to here today? >> looking for where the boys at. >> is that right? i know it's what, 2 million views on youtube. now you're here in d.c. doing a concert live. take it away. thank you so much for coming in today. >> thank you. >> the show is tonight. august24th at 7:00 p.m. at constitution hall. tickets are still available. get them fast, though. the omg girlz. ♪
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♪ omg, where you at, boys ♪ ♪ holler if you hear me, hear me ♪ ♪ hear me ♪ ♪ i'm hanging out with just my girls tonight ♪ lonely, lonely, if only ♪ i need the boys to rock my world, that's right ♪ everybody needs somebody ♪ ♪ ♪ where the boys at, where the boys at, where the boys at, where the boys at, boys at ♪ if i holler, boy, boy, holler right back ♪ ♪ where the boys at, boys at,
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where the boys at ♪ where the boys at, where the boys at, boys at ♪ ♪ me and my girls to look at ♪ ♪ looking all around the city ♪ , city, city ♪ ♪ looking for a boy to come my way tonight ♪ looking so pretty, pretty, pretty ♪ ♪ everybody needs somebody ♪ ♪ i'm a pretty girl ♪ ♪ i'm a little picky, not just anybody ♪ ♪ tell me, where the boys at, where the boys at, where the boys at, boys at ♪
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if i holler boy, boy, holler right back ♪ ♪ where the boys at, where the boys at, boys at ♪ where the boys at, where the boys at, boys at ♪ ♪ look give me and my girls something to look at ♪ ♪ where you at, where you at ♪ will you take to a party ♪
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five-day forecast, today no problems. upper 80s. plenty of sunshine. cloud up tonight. clouds from time to time saturday and sunday. few showers as well. storm system works up from our south and east. be ready for it. sunshine returns in time to go back to school monday. >> it says 88, but i feel like it will be 188 at least


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